22X Neighborhood Council
WEBSITE: http://www.ncpc22x.org 22x NCPC brings community members together from our 5 neighborhoods: Dimond, Lincoln Heights, Montera, Oakmore, and Woodminster, to address issues of concern and/or interest, and to solve problems relating to crime in our beat, working with OPD and other Oakland Agencies, Committees and Departments. What is an NCPC?
- NCPC is the acronym for: ‘Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council’ and is comprised of neighbors working together and in partnership with the OPD (Oakland Police Dept.) and other City agencies, to address on-going problems in our neighborhood.
- Each NCPC is organized and run by volunteers. In our beat, 22x, an Election Meeting is held once a year, where 4 officers are elected: 2 co-chairs; a secretary and a treasurer; and 3 other Quarterly Meetings are held throughout the year.
- Meetings of project committees are generally held monthly, but sometimes more or less often, depending on the level of interest and the issues that need addressing.
- OPD works with 22x and all beats in Oakland to develop strategies and allocate resources to address neighborhood crime-related problems. OPD also reports back to the NCPCs about progress on issues specific to each beat
How is 22x Organized?
- We are inclusive, transparent, independent, and democratic, run by neighbor volunteers, and open to the public. We’re supported in solving problems related to crime by OPD, and by other City agencies and departments relating to other areas of concern or interest.
- 22x forms committees, or “Neighborhood Action Groups” (NAGs) to work on specific issues of concern, or projects of local interest.
- 22x operates according to a set of Bylaws which are determined, and approved by membership vote.
Top 3 Priorities As do other NCPC’s, 22x chooses (3) priorities relating to crime, to work with OPD to resolve. Our:
- Neighborhood Services Coordinator (NSC);
- Problem-Solving Officer (PSO);
- Beat Patrolmen;
- Sergeants;
- Lieutenants;
- OPD special units;
- and other City agencies
…all work with us, to develop and implement a strategy for achieving those priorities. Regular updates about the priorities are shared between NCPCs & OPD, until those priorities are ameliorated or solved. A system of accountability up and down OPD’s chain of command assures that the problems, as defined by Oakland’s NCPCs, are addressed and mitigated.
Dimond Business & Professional Association
WEBSITE: http://www.embracedimond.com/ WHY JOIN The Dimond Business & Professional Association? There is power in numbers! When merchants organize our voice is louder! By maintaining strong and positive relationship with the DIA and our representatives in the city and the police force we can and we can make sure that our neighborhood is safer, cleaner and more beautiful.
Friends of Dimond Library

- Fundraising for additional library materials, equipment and programs
- Library advocacy with the city and community for political and economic support
- Community outreach to encourage library use and community access
- Volunteering assistance for library needs and to support staff programs
Friends of Dimond Park

Friends of Dimond Park is a small group of neighbors and park users who volunteer our time and effort on behalf of the special place that is Dimond Park. We officially organized as a group in 2015 to maintain, improve and preserve the best of this beloved community resource for current and future generations.
We work with the Park Supervisor, City of Oakland , other related groups, park users and volunteers for :
ADVOCACY: ensure that all visitors have safe access to the park on pathways that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act; park safety (installation of gates at two entrances); refurbish picnic tables; solutions for reduction and removal of material destined for recycle, compost and land fill …
MAINTENANCE/BEAUTIFICATION: Augment City resources in care of green space and landscape maintenance, clean pathways, litter pickup , reduction of fire-prone material above upper parking lot…
PLANTING: Replace, water and monitor trees in areas where aged/compromised trees require removal; plant native plants in garden spaces alongside the renewed creek (2017); colorful planting at Fruitvale entrance and elsewhere.
See our website for more !
Friends of Sausal Creek
WEBSITE: http://www.sausalcreek.org
As stewards of the Sausal Creek Watershed, we conduct and sponsor a variety of programs aimed at enhancing and maintaining the natural ecosystem. The majority of our volunteer members are involved in habitat restoration work on any of a dozen restoration sites. The work principally involves cutting or pulling nonnative plants and replacing them with plants native to the watershed. The plants we use are grown, mostly from seed, in our own native plant nursery. We also monitor water quality in Sausal Creek, as well as the native rainbow trout population and birds that inhabit and migrate through the area. Finally, we conduct educational programs for students from kindergarten through high school that involve in-class instruction in local ecology and field trips to the nursery and restoration sites.
Oakland Trails
WEBSITE: http://oaklandtrails.org/ MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to promote, maintain, and enhance Oakland’s wildland parks and trails. VISION STATEMENT: Oakland’s wildland parks will be safe and well-maintained, welcoming Oaklanders and visitors alike OaklandTrails began as a committee of the Dimond Improvement Association (DIA) formed by Stan Dodson in 2010. With a group of DIA volunteers, Stan led several trail maintenance projects to rehabilitate Dimond Canyon’s trail system, and in 2011, began a series of hiking tours to promote the trails. He then joined Friends of Joaquin Miller Park (FOJMP) as an at-large board member. Leading projects for both organizations, Stan concentrated his efforts on promoting and maintaining more than 600 acres of parkland that connect Dimond Park (200 feet elevation) to the Bay Area Ridge Trail (1500+ feet elevation). Our volunteer efforts have included:
- more than 60 free hiking tours, including some geared for seniors and youth
- year-round debris removal from trails, clearing overgrowth and fallen trees
- identifying, implementing, and supporting needed trail repair, reroutes, and long-term trail maintenance solutions
- working with the City of Oakland (elected officials, city staff, police, and fire) to improve emergency response and readiness in Oakland’s wildland parks
- production of the 20-minute documentary, TRAILHEAD
- installation of mosaic trail markers in Dimond Canyon Park
In 2014, OaklandTrails became an independent program by entering into a fiscal sponsorship with the Oakland Parks & Recreation Foundation.
Neighborhood Steering Committee (Head Royce)
WEBSITE: https://www.headroycensc.org
The NSC is comprised of neighbors who volunteer their time to engage other neighbors, Head-Royce School administrators and the City of Oakland to find solutions to issues related to neighborhood impacts caused by the operations and activities of Head-Royce School.
To advocate with the City of Oakland and Head-Royce School in support of the neighbors’ points of view, we:
- Represent neighbors impacted by Head-Royce School
- Initiate letter-writing campaigns in response HRS permit applications and other issues
- Meet directly with Oakland City Council representatives, City Administrators, and AC Transit representatives regarding neighborhood issues relating to HRS operations
- Attend NSC meetings
- Attend community meetings initiated by Head Royce School
- Report to neighbors regarding City of Oakland land use and permit developments and meeting outcomes
- Retain acoustic, geotechnical, structural and other experts to review aspects of HRS expansion plans
- Communicate with the Fire Department regarding vegetation management
- Communicate with media when necessary
- Develop communications materials for use in meetings and neighborhood information outreach
- Coordinate with other organizations such the Dimond Improvement Association to maintain alignment of advocacy activities and messages
As a grassroots, issues-based advocacy group, the NSC is not a tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) organization. The NSC does not collect dues, but occasionally requests contributions to cover expenses, such as filing and application fees, services of experts in areas such as noise, environmental impact, water and land use, engineering, etc., website maintenance, and printing costs.
In Memoriam - Dimond Members
Jim and Helen Hill
Helen and Jim were members of the Dimond community for 17 years and she is remembered as a friend, a teacher, an advocate, a rescuer, an inspiration, and the love of Jim Hill’s life.
See more about Jim and Helen.
Toni Locke
Toni was longtime editor of the MacArthur Metro community newspaper and instrumental in the revival of the Dimond and Laurel districts. She participated in the formation of the MacArthur Neighborhood Coalition and co-founded the Friends of Dimond Library. Author, editor, teacher, musician, activist, volunteer, and friend of Oakland, Toni fostered the human spirit in all. See more about Toni.